Keeping Control

Keeping Control Estate Planning Book Free | Estate Planning Attorney | Bloomfield Hills, MI

by Matthew A. Ferri, Esq..

Wouldn’t it be great to have a guide to tell you how you can continue living the life that you worked hard to build?  Making sure everything runs smoothly if you need additional care, or how do you protect your loved ones after you are gone?  How to control your estate while you are alive, and protect it when you are gone?

Discover how people just like you keep control by creating an estate plan that works for your current stage of life and maintain that plan, so it continues to work for your lifetime and beyond.

There are many reasons to read a book; to learn something new, for relaxation, or to be entertained by a good story.  In our house, reading has become a family activity with nighttime stories and multiple trips to bookstores to purchase every book in the series.  Even requiring me to build more bookshelves!

It’s easy to explain why we read books, but what about writing a book?  I recently decided to write a book to encourage people to create an estate plan and stay in control of their lives as they age.  A plan that controls their estate and protects their loved ones.

The title of this book is “Keeping Control, a Game Plan to Protect Your Estate, Your Family, and Your Money”.  Inside, I outline some basic principles and provide simple steps to take and a path to get started.

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A Better Way

[Excerpt Page 33] A Better Way It is crucial to have a proper power of attorney for bank accounts or that it is in the trust’s name. The trust will control, and the kids can have control as successor trustees if you’re disabled or at …

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Long Term Care

[Excerpt – Page 36] Long Term Care If, by chance, and we hope this never happens, but if you needed a little bit more care and were to move into an assisted living facility, you are looking at somewhere between $5,000-$6,000/month. Then, if something really …

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Estate Planning Myths

[Excerpt – Page 32] Estate Planning Myths and Mistakes Let’s talk about joint accounts. Many people think that they can add their child or someone else on a joint account, and everything will be fine. They’ve done their planning. What they don’t know is, on …

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Matthew A Ferri

Estate Planning Attorney – Matthew A. Ferri Matthew Ferri, J.D., M.B.A., is a Michigan estate planning attorney.  His expertise includes advanced estate planning, elder law, Medicaid planning, Veterans benefits, special needs planning, wealth transfer planning, and business planning.  During law school, Matt focused his studies on …

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A Healthcare Story

[Excerpt – Page 8] A Healthcare Story We had a divorced mom with an adult son. We designed her plan, and she kept it updated. We created healthcare powers of attorney and all the necessary documents, and she now has faded. She’s starting to have …

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Introduction First, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this book and letting us share with you the insights we’ve been fortunate to learn throughout our years of working with clients. You’ve worked your entire life to be able to enjoy …

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